Sunday, February 22, 2009

Home Made Chocolate Wafers

From the moment I saw the theme for sugar high Friday February from The Domestic Goddess in palachinka’s amazing blog, I knew I would participate this time;
There is nothing that I like more than being able to copy some of my childhood treats and sharing them with my family.
Since I was a little girl in my country I remember the wafers were the main treats in most of the houses, every where we go; whether it was a trip or just in the lunch box, they were everywhere.
So I decided to try to copy the wafers and the flavor it had.
Home made Chocolate wafers
1 box of ready wafers sheet
1 ½ butter stick
¾ cups honey
¾ cup sugar
¼ cup milk
¾ cup cocoa powder
1 cup cracker crumbs
1 cup crashed nuts
In a saucepan, under low heat combine the honey, butter, sugar, milk and cocoa powder; bring to a boil.
Cool at room temperature.

Spread the mixture on wafers sheet and top it with another, cover the second one and continue until you have 4 layers top with plain sheet.

Home made Wafers

Mine Original


  1. Oh yum - this is one my very favorite cookies! It must have taken so much patience to delicately assemble all those layers. Impressive and delicious!

    Just wanted to let you know the announcement for the March theme for Sugar High Fridays has been posted:

    Hope to see you there this month!

  2. Thank you
    this sound like a real challenge, I'll love to participate.


  3. What a great post. Where in the world do you find ready made wafer sheets?
