Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer fruit bowl

The sun is shining bright outside on this beautiful day
Finally a break from the non-stop rain, just wish that this weather will last for a more few weeks..

One great desert for a hot day is fresh fruit, great for brunch or just after a barbecue in the back yard, All you have to do is cut and serve

This type of serving makes the summer "look" and taste even better..

Melon Fruit Bowl
1 Melon cut to 2 half's
1 large apple peeled and cut to slices
1 kiwi peel and cut to slices
Melon balls that we made with pearsiean cup from the other half
Mint leaves for decoration

  • Cut off a thin piece of one end of the melon so that it leaves a flat surface on the melon.
  • scoop out the contents of the melon with a large spoon.
  • Cut some of the melon into ball shaped pieces using the melon ball spoon
  • Put the cut up fruits and the melon balls into the melon bowl and add the blueberries.
  • Peel the kiwi and slice them into thin slices. Then add them to the fruit bowl.
  • add as much fruit as you want and love (strawberries, star fruit, pineapple etc.)
  • Decorate with mint leaves and serve.


  1. Oops, major type-o. I think your title should read Summer Fruit BOWL (not bowel). Teehee... easy mistake.

    Looks delish btw.

    Take care,

  2. Thank you...
    Oops.. I fixed it.

    Have a great weekend :)
